
There will be a celebration of her life at the Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 North Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles CA, on Tuesday January 18, 2011 from 3:00-5:00pm.

In lieu of flowers the family has asked that donations be made to

Art of the Brain, c/o KBWTR
1925 Century Park East Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Loved and missed


You will be missed more than you can ever imagine. I am blessed and proud that I was born your son. You treated everyone as family, loving and caring for all of us with patience, guidance and a selfless love that can never be matched. I will remember you in everything I do. I hope that I can continue those traits to be even the smallest amount like you. I know you are in a wonderful place, watching and guiding us through our lives. Know that we love and miss you, and will take care of each other just as you would take care of us.

I love you with all of my heart.


Please post your stories and memories as comments to this post. Read the other posts and we can all remember my mother as the wonderful person she was and how she touched all of our lives. We are all her family, and I know she would like for us to share and remember her as one.


  1. Tyler, thank you for providing this place to remember your mother. I just discovered it. Sherry was one of the most generous, kind, and gentle people I have ever known. When we moved in next door to her and your Dad over 40 years ago they took us in as family. We'd come home from school and/or work and even though she had been working all day herself she fed us almost every night! We were in and out of touch over the years, but were happy to have seen her recently. As always, even with two broken ankles, she was upbeat and positive and made us feel loved with that special smile of hers. We will miss her terribly. And yes, Tyler there is a lot of Sherry in you so I hope we will see you again soon to remember her. As I've thought so many times after losing my parents and Steve's father, we wouldn't grieve so much if we hadn't loved so much. Love, Denise

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much Sherry loved all of you. She is now in heaven with the friends and family who went before her.

    Sherry was an inspiration to me. I admired the way she stayed connected with so many people on a personal level with such sincerity. She was a networker extraordinaire, always helping people in any way she could. I learned lessons from Sherry over the last 30 years that will remain with me forever. She will be greatly missed!

  3. I just found out the news and am gutted. Thank you for putting this blog together to honor this wonderful woman of integrity.

    Sherry took me under her wing in my early twenties when I worked for her. I was very new to adulthood, very awkward, and clueless. I had no idea at the time that I had Asperger's (was recently diagnosed) but was able to move forward in life and achieve many goals because of people like Sherry. Sherry helped me believe in myself, care about myself, and understand what love feels like - authentic. She rode the waves of my dreams and was there with a warm hug whenever I fell. She will be missed. I think of her often and she will live on in my thoughts and heart forever.

    -Brandy Nightingale

  4. While my memories are few and interactions brief, I will always remember her generosity and warmth as she opened up her home to all of us. She was, and still is, incredibly proud of the family that surrounded her. My heart goes out to your family.

  5. Hey Wittle Wertenbruch,
    I just heard and I am deeply saddened.
    Your momma was an amazing woman. So many great memories. A lot of laughs, a lot of love, a tremendous amount of understanding and a mentor to many.
    I will never forget the craziness on the eve and day of your birth.
    Those of us who were blessed with her friendship are some of the luckiest people ever.
    Although we haven't been in constant communication, you all are in my thoughts everyday. My love to you, your dad and Kyle.
    Big hugs and kisses.
    Much love,
    Robin Pitigliano

  6. To Sherry's family and friends:
    I am really saddened to hear the news and wish you all the strength to get through the grieving.
    I only knew Sherry as a client and as we are based in London, we never met. When my email bounced, I investigated and was of course horrified to realise what had happened.
    Again, I wish you all, all the strength you need.
    Best regards, Richard

  7. When I met Sherry 25 years ago at Kaufman and Bernstein, she took me under her wing and kept me there as she did with all of us. No one was a better friend than Sherry. She was always there when you needed her, saying or doing just the right thing. There are no words to describe how I felt when I learned of her passing. Instinctively, the first person I wanted to turn to was Sherry. I am trying hard to put the sadness aside and celebrate her life instead. Her legacy will be that she lived her life in a way that we should all aspire to. She always put everyone else first and seemed to be happiest when she was doing something for someone else. She was the most amazing person and will never, ever be forgotten.
    With much love to Tony, Tyler and Kyle,
    Carol Page

  8. We are neighbors to the Wertenbruch's for the past 28 years and love Sherry very much. We are deeply saddened by your loss and we will miss her dearly. Sherry was more than just a wonderful person; she was always so kind and considerate to us that we always welcomed seeing her at every opportunity. And, we know that her passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew Sherri. Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. God bless.

    The Magnone Family
    Lee, Kathy, Nick, Laura and Ethan, Marleen, Jack and Jacob.

  9. My memories of Sherry go back 40 years, to when we first met. In those days we spent a lot of time together at race tracks in Riverside, Phoenix, Willow Springs, Laguna Seca...the list goes on. We managed to work in some ski weekends as well from time to time, along with birthdays, weddings, girls' nights and other social gatherings. Along with all that, Sherry was working and going to night school on a year-round schedule. Her energy amazed me.
    Time passed, as it does, and Tyler and Kyle came along...how she loved you boys. We moved away from Los Angeles then so my lunches and visits with Sherry were more widely spaced. Still, whenever we got together or spoke on the phone she made me feel as though we'd just spoken the day before.
    More time passed, and I got in the habit of calling her every year on her birthday. We'd catch up on the health and adventures of our families and mutual friends, and vow to be better about staying in touch.
    I last saw Sherry five years ago, but continued the birthday phone calls. Next June 15 will be an especially melancholy day for me.
    Russ joins me in sending our love and condolences to you, Tony, and to Tyler and Kyle and your entire family.
    Sandy Mayberry

  10. Wendy RenskowskiMay 1, 2011 at 5:25 PM

    I am so very sorry to hear of her passing. I worked with Sherry at K+B in the late 1980's and have never met such a warm, kind, compassionate, caring person. She was always there for us whenever there was a problem and she always had a smile on her face. Everyone loved her. And she had a great sense of humor. I talked to her about a year or so ago and it was as if no time had never passed. I'm so sorry Tyler and Kyle, she talked about you boys all the time. She will always be in my heart.

    Wendy Renskowski Hamilton

  11. I met Sherry when I worked at KBT in the early 1990's. She was kind, considerate, warm and always had a smile on her face. She made me feel at home at KBT from the minute I had the interview with her. I had so many great times with her. She had always talked about Tyler and Kyle.

    I will always remember her.

  12. Last night I saw your mothers email on a folder I had and wondered how she was.I'm an electrical contractor that had worked on many clients homes for her.Through all the time we corresponded through email or I would pick up the phone and call her whenever I had questions.She always made time to help solve whatever we needed always.I had never met her but I had always wanted to because she was such a nice genuine person and whenever we spoke it was as if she was my mothers good friend or someone my family had known for years.I'm so very sorry for your loss and my condolences go out to you and your family.Love and Blessings to you and your family. Ryan @ Sunset Electric

    1. Thanks for the message Ryan. We very much miss her, but getting messages like this light up the day. - Tyler
